If you want to succeed in nearly anything, it requires taking some chances. You must overcome the fear of hearing “No” and ask for opportunities. Until you hear “No” three times, you haven’t asked enough. It’s called the “Rule of 3 No’s.” Sylvia Acevedo, the CEO of the Girl Scouts, talked about this powerful rule that has shaped her life on a Freakonomics podcast. It works wonders.
Have you ever tried to say “No” to a Girl Scout selling cookies? It’s really hard! It’s not just that they are adorable and they are tugging on your heart strings – the cookies they sell taste amazing as well! The main reason is that they are persistent. They don’t take the first “no” and quit in most cases.
Most people have a hard time working up the courage to ask even once. Fewer than half of all people can do this on more than just the rare occasion. The numbers drop significantly after the first “no”. Likely fewer than 10% of those who asked the first time can brush themselves off and go back at it.
A third time? Rare cats indeed. Are they just gluttons for punishment or have they learned a true secret of success? It’s more of the latter versus enjoying the rejection. What pushes them past is the knowledge that the likelihood of success actually increases dramatically the more times you ask. They will endure the agony of rejection to achieve the goal.
Find the courage of an 8-year-old girl and overcome the fear of hearing “No.”
About Endeavor Agency
Endeavor Agency is the nation’s leading agency helping individual executives, professionals, and physicians find the jobs they truly want. The combination of additional resources, expertise, and people helps Endeavor clients uncover more and better job opportunities than what they could access on their own.
Endeavor Agency helps rebrand clients to effectively communicate their value throughout the interview process and increase their odds dramatically of winning offers. Additionally, Endeavor Agency helps clients achieve better results in negotiating the terms of their employment agreements.
Endeavor Agency also provides executive coaching, outplacement services, and business consulting services. Endeavor can also help guide executives focused on the private equity and venture capital market segments.
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Endeavor Agency has the expertise, people, and contemporary resources to help executive and upper management job seekers secure interviews, land job offers, and advance their careers.
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